Wednesday, May 20, 2009

NEW Way to see the City MAP

Here & There is a project by S&W exploring speculative projections of dense cities. These maps of Manhattan look uptown from 3rd and 7th, and downtown from 3rd and 35th. They’re intended to be seen at those same places, putting the viewer simultaneously above the city and in it where she stands, both looking down and looking forward.
Courtesy Navigadget

Google Trike -Pedal Power GPS

You’ve probably already seen many images of the Google Street View Car, or similar Navteq vehicles but probably never a tricycle with Google equipment on top. Let’s just call this the Google Trike from now on. It is now going to map streets of UK - specially narrow ones, and places where motor vehicles are not allowed - starting with historical landmarks that public voted to the top. Google Trike weighs about 250 lbs and allows for 360 degrees images to be taken with the on board cameras and processed with the on board image software. It is currently being tested somewhere else in Europe - namely Genoa - and will arrive in Britain this summer.

Courtesy of Navigadget

Monday, May 18, 2009

GPS to GO & the Geocube on A Channel

We had a great time on the A Channel Morning news show Tuesday. A very big thank you to show producer Kent & the behind the scenes staff who made us at GTG look good. As well thanks to the lovely & talented ladies on camera Angie Porier ( thanks Angie for doing a great job in the interviews) , Lianne Lang & Sandra Blakie even popped over to say hello to me -very nice people-

GPS Helmet -Safety -Fire -Rescue- Police -

This GPS helmet manufactured by Japanese NEC is called U-met. Not only GPS, but the helmet also incorporates a camera, and a microphone to communicate with a base station over 3G networks. We had actually talked about this GPS helmet back in July 07 but there are a few differences now, such as the front warning lights and the communication headset.
Anyways, the device is designed for security personnel, rescue workers, and fire fighters. It is very unlikely that you’ll actually get your hands on this

Courtesy of Navigadget

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hey I can See CALIFORNIA !

Why use GPS Tracking in your business? Well a new client of ours here has asked for help -
"My guys are delivering a housefull of furniture from the east coat here to California" -

"How would you know when they arrivced at the new home -& when they left the clients site & headed off to the Hotel -how can you verify those hours?" Did they finish unloading at 7 -8 - or maybe 9 pm? Hmmmm?

We've installed GPS tracking & now when the truck is unloaded & the crew is off ( they're not going to sit around in the clients driveway for 2 extra hrs of overtime - they need to head off to the Hotel & the business owner can see when they really left site & hence when they really finished for the day -