Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tony Olsens & GPS to GO

Here we see the staff at our own Tony Olsen Enterprises here in the Ottawa Valley with what looks to be the biggest GPS tracking screen I've seen at any of my customers! WOW -very nice folks -

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Google Street View Snowmobile

With thanks to Navigadget - About the same time Google introduced showcased how they were taking Street View one ski further, and installing their setup on top of a snow mobile to give you street level imagery from mountain slopes.. They say they were motivated with the Winter Olympics in Canada but we all know Google’s onto something bigger. ( BTW Go Canada GOOOO!!)

GPS Gloves

Ever wondered why the heck your skiing gloves do not include a GPS receiver? I guess people at Zanier Gloves had the same question so they decided to come out with X-Plore.XGX – a pair of gloves that can keep track of your altitude, speed, distance, duration and other route data. What’s really cool is that you can even plan a route and then let the glove route you where ever you want.